Farewell 2014
Big Bertha has been decorated and lit over Christmas.
The tree was decorated and presents given, even to naughty hounds like Squeak.
Thank you to those dear friends who sent me things.
On Monday I wall papered the chimney breast in this room. I had been wanting to do this for quite a while once I saw Laura Ashley’s “Cottonwood” design in white and shiny pearl. It looks like the shadows falling on the wall from outside plants.
This is my little computer corner where I am currently sat typing this. I always leave the quilting rods empty in January – a white walled room where there is space to think of new ideas, new beginnings, and replenishment.
The tea light houses look like they are cottages in a wood.
Now as darkness falls for the last time in 2014, I’ve been thinking over the past year. We’ve got rid of a lot of clutter (some of which we moved here with!) but there is still more to sort through. My aim for the new year is to use what I have already and recycle what I can’t use, whether it be at a recycling centre or a charity shop. I want to live more simply. I want to eat more naturally. I want to live more in the moment instead of worrying about the “what ifs” or “should haves.” Yep it’s going to be tricky! 🙂
Quite a few of us have lost loved ones and I hope that 2015 helps us to enjoy life again. We need to surround ourselves with people who make us happy and things which make us smile. I really wish that all of you dear Blogland friends get filled with a new creative spirit this coming year which leaves you loving what you do. We could all do with more time, love, joy and peace.
I have looked at different forms of social media over the holidays and decided that they aren’t for me. There isn’t the space in these more instant, quick hit types of communication my children’s generation seem to favour, for building the kind of friendships which I have here. We are in Blogland sharing our experiences, time and expertise, getting support and being supportive, with one another in friendship. I don’t think a simple click “like” to someone’s words can do that. Blogland is special and it is the people who have made it so. We give our time and a little of ourselves to one another selflessly.
Thank you dear Blog-Friends for sticking with me in the chaos which was 2014. I hope we will continue with our blog adventures together in 2015.
Happy New Year!
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