Floral Monday
Have some Black Forest gateau with your cuppa while I share the latest goings-on.
Spring is definitely coming the crocuses say so.
And the hyacinths agree.
The trouble is that the park looks like this.
All shades of greys with tints. All very muted.
But then the sun comes out and there is colour!
Just here and there.
Little hints of Spring.
Mr Robin has started guarding his territory.
Scattered on the banks are blooming crocuses and daffodils.
I was beginning to think Winter would never end.
We’ve been to Cedar Farm Gallery during the Easter Hols. Of course I admired this crow sculpture.
This weekend the weather man promised us 20c
but we only got 12c. Boo! Hiss!
So I put up Spring Quilts in the living room.
Lovely husband put rails up in the alcoves either side of the fireplace.
So I am almost ready for real Spring
And all it’s wonderful colours.
As the weekend was blowing a gale, I found a 1940s film “I Know Where I’m Going” filmed in the Western Isles of Scotland. It had me hankering after fields and hills and real scenery.
I contented myself with old annuals. The bottom right one is the same as I used to read at my Grandmother’s house. It belonged to my uncle when he was a boy in 1947. I was so excited when I found the same edition in a charity shop here. I was amazed at how much I remembered from it especially the pictures.
A lot of these are from Uncle Mac’s Children’s Hour. It was on the radio 5-6pm from 1922-1961at a time before televisions became popular. Inside the Daily Mail annuals, they teach children recipes, how to spot birds but not disturb nests, crosswords, stamp collecting, sealife, and even a Royal Family colour section. They are more educational than the modern day annuals and at 200 pages about twice the size.
The Fairy Tale book top right, is one I grew up with. Its pictures are the ones in my head when I think of a fairy tale. I don’t think the pictures of childhood ever really leave us. That is why it is so important when choosing a book for a child, to make sure the illustrations are gorgeous.
Now let me share some Craft Olympic UFOs
I have managed a bit more Blue Wave crochet. The wool I ordered from the shop arrived but only 1 ball! I have crocheted as many colour repeats as I can until the other balls arrive.
This cross stitch kit has been with me for many years. It is about time it was finished.
This bag of Cathedrals has also been with me for a long time. I was given it by someone who had given up on it, so I have added a bit here and there in between other projects. I think it is about time that all the prepared bits were used on it.
My other 2 UFOs (we are allowed 5) are Pumpkinville BOM and an applique for a bag which has disappeared again so no photo.
So now I am off to see what you are all making! Thanks for popping in.
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