Pond House 8, Day out, Garden,

Here is Pond House BOM progress 8/10. I love how these log cabins look. I’m hoping the flowers look like the nastertiums which grew over a path at Monet’s house in Giverny.
Here is a better pic of the painting which is for sale. Link in previous post.
And this is the last parcel I will receive from Pink Purl’s etsy shop- Tracy has now shut it.
Rice pearls, rose quartz, brass butterflies and hearts, turquoise and beads. I so want to start making some jewellery now.
Now let me take you on a little day out up the road to Woodlands Animal Sanctuary. They had a fundraising day which involved Morris Women dancers.
Pics are by hubby as my camera is having problems and I was holding the hounds.
Carving an owl with a chain saw.
A real barn owl
Hobby I think.
Buzzard possibly- I can’t see it’s Lord Mayor’s chain on it’s chest in this pic.

Peregrine Falcon
Shaven llamas
And a tortoise.
Now a little look in the garden- firethorn berries
The redcurrants left for the birds.
Lathyrus cupanii -the spice scented sweet pea that the Crusaders brought back with them in the C13th.
The last of the roses.

Apples from the eating apple tree.
The last remaining honeysuckle flowers.

White bergamot- good for putting in icecubes and freezing for drinks.
Houttuynia in a shady spot.
The last of the hollyhocks.

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