Spring cleaning and wings

I’ve been like Mole Spring Cleaning.
I got to the “Hang spring-cleaning!” stage like him when it came to cleaning the oven. But then I came across a new method that doesn’t use those choking chemicals
Take a cup of washing powder and mix it with a cup of white vinegar into a paste and spread it in a warmed oven (5 mins on gas 4/ 180C /350F) just enough to keep the bicarbonate of soda in the washing powder working. Leave for an hour.
Wipe with paper. I put a sheet of newspaper in front of the oven to just sweep this lot onto so it wouldn’t touch the floor.
Then wipe with a damp cloth and hey presto a clean oven without the fumes! I am so impressed with this method that I had to share.
Now skip off like Mole into the sunshine and have an adventure on the Riverbank.
And meet otters.
Flamingos the brighter ones are Caribbean Flamingos pictured below. The paler ones are Chilean flamingos.

Love this stunning white stork photo of Hubby’s.
The Hottentot Teal duck was having fun and looked like he was dancing.
Humboldt Penguin so clumsy on the ground
But so graceful and fast in the water.

You have no idea how many pictures it took to get this. I did have a perfect shot but an oiky child came and banged me and the glass mid shot so it came out blurred. Can you tell I was a tad miffed at this? 🙂 His parents didn’t bat an eyelid. HMPH! I was nice though and didn’t say a word to them- just walked away. I figure if he is like that at 5 they will be getting the son they deserve when he is 15 or so. Karma. I know I’m so horrible at times. 🙂
Just hanging with this serene Lilac-breaster Roller put me back to rights. She was happy to just pose for me. Lovely colour scheme.
Sorry no names for these 2. All suggestions appreciated.
I think this was a hornbill of some sort.
Blue Throated Macaw showing his wing to full advantage.
This was just a quick shot of a local songster. I think it was a warbler of some sort.
The blossom has started.
Now for butterfly wings
So many shapes
and colours
Delicate and lacy.
This one though was my favourite in metalic blues-purple.

Back to short craft posts for a while now. Are you relieved too?

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