Been Away Time for a Catch Up

Candle mat got finished -both sides so it can be used year round.

This lot is on the table at the mo.
And this is on the floor
Lining pocket and straps.
I was back here again in the Lake District
Looking at trees.

and Lake Coniston

It rained a lot in the past month so water levels are a lot higher.
The lambs have grown almost as big as their shorn mothers.
It looks like more rain could be on the way.
But these goats are sunbathing.
I hope you like them Annie
They are so serene.
And sleepy.

The weather can change so quickly.
Barn on the way back from a walk into Coniston village. Both males forgot toothbrushes so I went shopping. Mysteriously both fibreglass tent poles in the little tent broke in the night. The tent had only been used for 6 nights as it was new on out last trip. The shop sorted it out for us but queried if someone fell on it while we slept inside oblivious.
The hens were friendly
and happy for me to get close.

I miss having hens of my own.
The bracken is starting to change colour.
Freshly broken local stone- very pretty.
A secret pool in a wood. Can you imagine King Arthur’s Excaliber sword hidden here?
Beautiful tree shapes.

A very hard mushroom was splitting.
Then the rain suddenly came.
Gondala was on the lake coming towards us.
The weather though didn’t matter at all to Son. He spent the few days here either in the lake or up a tree.

Next time the East side of the Lake where I had never been before.

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