BOW Quilt, spider, rainbows, dresser, recipe, secret
Hia everyone I hope you’re having a great weekend. I have a coffee by the keyboard so life is good. 🙂 I did a bit of hand sewing last night attaching the tea stained sheet to the BOW quilt in “At Waters Edge” by Moda fabrics.
This beautifuly patterned spider decided to have a look while I was on the floor pinning the 2 together. I told you about my Nana’s saying of “Tell your news to the bees” well she had another “if you wish to live and thrive, let a spider run alive”. She had a special circular bottle cleaner sort of thing on a long pole for getting rid of dusty cobwebs from the corners of the room, but she left fresh cobwebs stay put. I suppose cobwebs catch flies which spread germs, so she was just employing an ancient means of fly killer. 🙂
I think the spider came in because of the weather we’ve been having. These are a selection of rainbows and skies taken from the front garden this week.
The sun starting to set making a manta ray in the sky.
Faint like an angel’s flight path leaping from cloud to cloud
Dusk looking like a rainbow tailed comet
Sunset catching the clouds
Stretching across the top of our road.
The dresser now has it’s blue and white china on. The green apples are the first crop from a tree I planted less than a year ago. I am so amazed! They taste good too. The children like these cooking apples cored, then filled with honey and dried fruit sometimes some nuts too then microwaved until the apple is soft. Let the honey cool then eat. I think it’s a recipe from the Tudor period except they baked their apples in the oven.
The red apples are just bought eating ones. My hope is that if I display the fruit like this instead of in the bowl they will be more likely to help themselves thinking that they are naughty for spoiling the effect. Ha ha cunning thinking on my part!
Here’s a lovely recipe for a thin biscuity sort of textured cookie perfect for Autumn:
Grasmere Gingerbread
175g/6oz wholewheat flour
50g/2oz porridge oats
1/2 level teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
1 level teaspoon cream of tartar
2 level teaspoons ginger
175g/6oz margarine
175g/6oz brown sugar muscovado gives a nice flavour
50g/2oz very finely chopped mixed peel (optional)
1. Put flour and oats in a bowl and sift in bicarbonate of soda, cream of tartar and ginger. Mix well.
2. Rub in margarine, stir in sugar and mixed peel.
3. Press mixture into a greaced swiss roll tin 28x18cm/11×7″ to make the thin biscuits.
4. Bake Gas 3, 325F 160C for about 30 mins until firm and brown
5. Allow to cool for 5 mins then cut into fingers.
This is a tease pic for Messy Karen. She and I are doing the same project at the same time. How cool is that! She sent me a pattern and fabrics and we agreed to make a start yesterday.
Tracking Ike here as I’ve family in Texas. Thoughts are with them.
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