I Came I saw I shopped
I’ve been trying to think of a logo that I could use when leaving messages for you all. Not perfected it yet-must try in daylight for brighter colours.
The Garden Quilt is finished. All 48 yo-yos are sewn on with a button in the middle from left over Simplicity by Moda fabric.
Butterflies and bee buttons to corners. Chain stitch to stems and leaves. Bound in the same creamy white as the border, backed in cream fleece. Click to enlarge any pic.
The Southport Flower Show starts on the 21st August. The park is locked so the exhibitors can set up. More marques will follow. It’s a big event round here.
Goosey Goosey ganger whither shall ye wander. Well we wandered over to York over on the East Coast. Pic by LL Brooke.
Medieval city gate. The pics aren’t in order as they are from both hubby’s and my cameras and warning there are oodles as York is beautiful. The shopping is so great- there are so many little shops which make shopping a joy rather than a chore. Now have you ever heard me say that?!
Conferance place by the Minster.
Old Fizzywigs -hubby loved the name. Charles Dickens’ sort of thing.
So full of teddies.
A glimpse of the Minster through the shops.
I have this pic in my head about Mad Alice. LOL
So many of the buildings jutted out on the upper storeys. I think this was so they didn’t have to pay much land tax when they were built.
Many of the streets were too narrow for vehicles so it was wonderful for shoppers zig zagging across the street.
I found these in the shop below in green “Shared earth“. So unusual salt and pepper and a sugar pot in beautiful colours. The lady was very friendly and checked to make sure they had a jug to match being delivered. I forgot some Maya Gold chocolate we bought, and she even came out of the shop to make sure I got it. Wonderful service!
They are perched on Walkers Stem Ginger cookies. These were like hens teeth last Christmas so I am stockpiling! They’ve got to be tasted to be believed.
Another wonderful shop was Wild Hart which was so full of wonderful things. Their web site doesn’t show their full range. I got a funny magnet saying “I am evil without my morning coffee” and a picture of a 1950s housewife. They had coffee mats galore and some strawberry bits so I bought some for daughter. Can’t say what in case she reads this.
A glimpse of Regency buildings by a church.
Shame this is blurred I loved the idea of a place being called The Shambles (ought to live there) and a lane off it called Little Shambles. 🙂
There were some beautiful shop windows that just drew the eye- chocolates with pink roses on lilac fabric. if the window looks this good the chocolate has to be good doesn’t it?
These turtles were beautiful in an Art Gallery window.
I bought these little extravagences from the Kath Kidson shop below. My oh my that was an experience! Pale walls and bright colour things. The sale was a mere 25% off a very few things so not as good as others have been, however I had to go away and come back again as the choice was so overwhelming. I tried to keep practical with a bag for daughter, a button tin for my tiny buttons, a mushroom pin cushion, rose hand cream and best by far of all a rose clear lip gloss. let me assure you that yes the world is a far better place when you can taste and smell roses all the time. (Just as well – floor is still not sanded in my new big room let alone varnished. What me impatient? Never! LOL)
More doll and teddy marvellousness.
Now my pics I think. The gate again.
Regency building built to curve around the walkway of the city gate.
The curved building is the brick one on the left of the gate.
Beautiful old oak timbers.
So many little and unusual shops. Yes lots of coffee places too.
The beautiful York Minster building.
A lot of shops have an internet site I was relieved to know.I had to go into Culpepper. There’s one in Oxford but as I haven’t been home in well over a year, I needed a few things like lavender oil pulse point, and stephanotis smellies. The car smelt lovely on the way home. Culpepper is the turquoisey green shop pictured below.
Another peak of the Minster.
beautiful retro dress shop.
Haunted York ghost tours.
Marzipan bees and shortbread iced butterflies. Totally mouth watering.
This chap was raising money for charity. In return for a donation you could add a bit more purple paint and have a photo.
There’s loads more pics to come Barley Hall and the Jorvik Centre. We’re back again on Thursday to pick daughter up. She’s been staying at York Uni. having a chemistry camp. This time we’re going at the crack of dawn to have longer looking around. It’s by far the best place I have ever been for shopping and looking around all at the same time. Think London only able to be done in a week without the foot ache, attitude and taxi fares. The river was beautiful too and St Mary’s ruins, oh so much to see and share with you. If you have a chance of coming to England, York is wonderful. It was once the capital of Dane ruled England. The scenery of Yorkshire is stunning too. The Yorkshire Moors inspired Emily bronte to write Wuthering Heights. (Promise I’m not on comission here.) Just come and see it for yourselves and you wont be disappointed. It is a pleasure to be in! If ever daughter decides on York University, I wont b losing a daughter so much as gaining a shopping destination. 🙂
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