Thank you M Kate for the “Must See” blog award, and to Sarah for the “I love this blog” award. You are both wonderfully kind people, and I’ve enjoyed reading both your blogs for quite some time. Thank you both very much. I’ve put the pictures in my side bar and felt not too lost while getting it done. I think I must be getting more teckie. ROFL
I’ll have a good think about who to pass them on to. 🙂
There was an old woman who lived in a shoe she has so many children she knew not what to do. Pic is another Rackham. My eldest is now back home. 🙂
Tracy from Pink Purl’s beautifully wrapped bag arrived as a welcome home present for daughter.
Isn’t it beautiful! The aqua is the same as the jacket she came home in.
Daughter loves it- thank you very much Tracy.
Daughter went fabric shopping for me. I arranged them into seasons:
Spring: Beatric Potter and lilac floral.
Summer stripes. Guess what- years ago I had this very same rainbow stripe. I made son a set of dungarees and daughter a dress with a poison dart frog pocket, and myself a blue bodiced rainbow stripe skirted dress. Yes there is a photo in existance of us all dressed in it at the same time. LOL I don’t think we blinded anyone. Still love the fabric. 🙂
Autumn: 2 beige shades and a stunning Autumnal scene I’m sure I’ll not have the heart to cut into for ages. I do love the colours of Autumn.
An Autumn waist-coat kit with crows!!! Wonderful!
Winter- 2 snowmen and a cheater patchwork in stunning rich colours.
A lovely lady gave daughter these fabrics for me- horses galore, green gingham, tropical frogs, fruit, berries, vegetables and smiley faces.
And these elephant panels. So African looking. When I’ve seen elephants at the zoo, they’ve always seemed wise and calm with beautiful eyes.
Daughter went to her first baseball game while in North Carolina. She caught the ball and got it and a programme signed at the end of the game. She was thrilled to bits.
Her coming back saved me from Monopoly:
That huge amount in the middle was the money son got for landing in “Free Parking”. We had played for hours. I sewed these in between goes:
Block 5 stitcheries for “Block of the Week”.
Block 5 sewn up below
All completed blocks up to date 1-5.
This “Garden Quilt” needs the border finishing. Fabric is “Simplicity” by Moda.
The Christmas Quilt has a border too now and the start of a tree. The borders aren’t finished and I haven’t put all the bits on either.
So with 3 quilts to finish off I’ve been busy.
I was trying to move back in to the guest room when son said he wanted it instead. His room is large so I said ok. So at the moment my craft stuff is littering up the hall, landing and my bedroom while son empties his old room and shoe horns his stuff into his small new one. I’ll be spending the weekend lugging things around but so excited to have a proper sewing space again.
I’ll pop in and see you all as soon as I can. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Mine will be chaotic but with enough coffee anything is possible.
Have you come across this etsy seller before: Motherlode Toad Factory? Her Autumn stuff is wonderful- I had to order some. When it arrives I’m decorating for Autumn. Her stuff is stunning and she is very friendly- go on have a lookie- it’ll make it feel like Autumn.
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