Albatross- sea walk.

My new comfy beach shoes.
Inspired by Meredith, and my daughter having a bad allergic reaction to celery, we are now trying to eat more organic things. Our organic fruit and vegetable box with eggs.
From a place just a few miles away. They will deliver each week.

Now come for a wander to the beach. Click on the music at the bottom of the post (I don’t know how to move it up here).

Around the lake smelling the cow parsley.

Flag iris

now over the dunes to the beach.

At last the sea!
This is how far we walked from the dunes.
Stranded jellyfish- 4 lilac rings
Another jellyfish with shells. This looked like tortoise shell.

Just like in the book “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” -“Oh no thick oozy mud, we can’t go under it, we can’t go over it, oh no we’ve got to go through it. Squelch squirch. It was a giggle. Some people pay for this sort of mud pedicure! :-0
back over the dunes home.
Over the dunes back home.

I picked up a few shells.

Son picked up this weird squishy thing, and cut it when we got home. We think it’s a fungus. Anyone got any ideas?

This was one of my finds before Valentine’s Day- a broken and sea worn air brick. It became a romantic candle holder.
This house leek bed is where my shells end up.

I’ve just got back from a walk in the park with the dogs. I took too many photos to put them here, so a rose special will be my next post. I must get on and catch up with my crafting.

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