Birthday, MRSA and flowers
Hubby’s birthday cake. We celebrated on the 14th although his bithday was on the 16th as son is away on an adventure weekend with his school. Last night we walked into town with daughter to see the food festival. A lot of the stalls were shut so we ended up in a Mexican restaurant. We ordered a jug of sangria and waited and waited for them to take our order. In the end we left on wobbly legs (daughter had fruit juice) -their excuse was that they didn’t want to stress the chef out with too many orders! It didn’t spoil our evening however as all 3 of us went to a prize winning fish and chip shop and ate them from the paper overlooking the marine lake. There was a race on complete with spinnakers and a setting sun, great fun! I don’t think we had eaten chips like that in years. Good to be less grown up.
Angel with a sock over her stitches sunbathing in the garden. We’ve had some bad news with Angel- the culture they took from her leg during the op at the specialists showed MRSA. It is transferable to humans so the vet was very concerned if we had anyone ill or working in the health profession in the family. She appears to be fighting it and her wound although hot is healing. The antibiotics she was on wont touch this type of MRSA so she has stopped taking them. We go back onTuesday and find out if there is a type of antibiotic which will work to help her. Privately we are wondering if the MRSA was introduced when she had her lump removed a while ago at our local vets.Rose and sage
My herb corner with climbers.
I loved the way the light shone through the ivy.
Rose lavender and jasmine
Climbing rose unknown variety.
“Reine Victoria” 1872 rose bud with violas
“Roseraie de l’Hay” hedging rose 1901
Forget me not.
Cherry tree with flowering currant bush. Love the blue sky.
Wallflower. Gorgeous scent.
Can anyone name this one? Runanculus? excuse spelling.
Pieris or forest flame bush- the young growth is pink fades to white before going green. Looks really good.
I promise I have been crafting -just not finished the final one to be able to show you. I ran out of thread and had to dash off to Patched Pumpkin for more, as soon as Sally opened this morning.
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