Painted room and Burscough pics

Hia me again…well it would be this being my blog. LOL

The printer refused to work without a service (why do Epsom build this in to their printers?) so we went inland about 7 miles to Burscough. We took the dogs for a walk along the Leeds to Liverpool canal while it was being done.
In the early 1800s the canals were the main way to transport goods as the railways hadn’t been built to any degree and the roads were in a dreadful state of repair. The best way to transport heavy goods was by the newly built canal system.
This factory had it’s own frontage onto the canal. Although deserted now, you can tell from details like the cast iron brackets on the porch roof, that it would’ve been impressive in it’s time.
Heaton’s bridge part of the canal looking towards Haskeyne. A mix of old canal barge/home and modern motor boats.
A remnant from World War 2- a pill box. These were built according to a grid all over the country (often no matter how silly). This one had to be tall as there is a high bridge it has to see over. It’s now by a pub’s play area for children. Most are only a single storey stuck in the middle of a field.
Looking towards Burscough from Heaton’s Bridge.
View of “The Moss”. The countryside is very flat with drainage ditches along the road to Burscough. I think originally this was swampy marsh land possibly part of Martin Mere. The soil is dark and used for growing vegetables.

There’s still loads of odd bits to do like draining fish tank partly so it can be moved but here are some pics. I was at Patched Pumpkin yesterday on a “Hearts and Flowers Day” unfortunately I left my bag of doings there so no pics of that until tomorrow at the earliest.

I begged for these 2 to be saved from the white paint. My sister painted the blue knight on a visit. I did the red one.

We just managed to scrape the bottom of the paint pot to finish all the middle part of the walls in white. I think we were too tired to take photos of the final wall, so once she has moved furniture back in and things are looking less heaped up and messy, I’ll do a couple more pics.

As soon as I’ve finished this vintage bag, I’ll start on the pattern revision/guide.

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