Baby Bailey’s Fish Jumper

Back and front of a 6-12m jumper for a friend’s grandson. Must do an eye for the big fish on the back.

I’m wrestling with the design/layout for all those Autumn patches I made. Today I put them all out on the dining room table (the craft/glue table) and panic-ed! I’ve accumulated lots of gorgeous leaf fabrics in wonderful colours to go round them, but no very clear plan has formed. I had to bundle them away for dinner this evening, so they’ll be out again tomorrow for me to walk around drinking coffee hoping for inspiration. I’ve only made 2 quilts before, and I’m wondering if these were meant to be a patchwork-quilt-tablecloth for Autumn. Each patch seems to “belong” to one or the other of us, so it makes sense to have them near that person’s seat. Beyond that I’m lost. 🙂

I signed up to where they have a free pattern library. Bailey’s next item will be either their Carousel Horse or Pea Pod baby Set. I’d love to make their Caspian Sea Socks or Bazaar Socks in reds like Autumn (Can you tell it’s my favourite season?) but I think they may be beyond my ability. Does anyone know of anyone who knits socks to sell?

There is something so cosy about sitting and knitting in front of the fire with the hounds decked out at your feet and the nights getting earlier. We’ve had as low as 3C at night – we’re on the coast so inland must’ve been colder than that. Eeek! Time to dig out those arans I made everyone and see what still fits. Both our son and daughter have grown enormously this year. Good opportunity for more knitting.

Wow at this rate my sewing machine is going to feel abandoned. LOL Must do something with it tomorrow like the oven gloves which I couldn’t decide what fabric to sew them in. Off to bed now. Sleep tight.

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