Lazy Sunday

Confession time. I lounged in my nightie all morning playing around with left over threads making these cup mats. Daughter is making one too. Son was on “World of Warcraft” with husband doing awful things I’d rather not know about. A lovely lazy Sunday all in all.

I didn’t even top coat the bedside chest of drawers I’m painting. The poor thing was yellowing white (you know where it was white once but so long ago the oil is turning the colour peculiar) with numerous coffee stains (guilty – hand eye co-ordination isn’t good before I’ve had a coffee LOL) so it got sanded yesterday and undercoated. I want to buy some new handles for it too.

Must must must do the ironing tomorrow as their school uniform shirts are in it. Sending children half naked appears to be frowned upon in 2ndary school. 🙂 Ah well it’s on my list. I’ve altered my To Do List a bit. I now have a section called “Future Projects” (my long term ideas which I hope to get round to making); a PFT -“Plan For Today” section where I put the housework things and in another column the craft things. Hopefully this way I wont get scared when I open my BlogLog (book) and seewhat I’ve written the night before.

How does everyone else make time for their crafting? How do you organise yourselves?

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