I’m Back!!!!!
The final assignment is handed in so I can hopefully have my life back. Crochet flower hair bobble trim.
Ive made a few bits and bobs. Apologies for these pics they are from an I Pad. I will check my camera next. I can’t remember a thing. My head has been occupied with coursework so my hands did little things to keep sane. 3-6 month hat and bootie set.
The African violets are from daughter’s Peru alpaca yarn. The surround from Finnish wool. A real multicultural piece.
10 small red collars
10 small red leads.
10 small blue collars.
10 small blue leads
You can can see the size difference here between the collar types. Above are the 10 big red collars while the small red ones are being made.
10 large red leads
10 large green collars
10 large green leads.
This is one is for a spaniel called Lucy in need of a forever home. Little red lead with dotty red collar.
This course has been the worst one yet. I am so glad it is the last. Hopefully I can have my blog life back again. That would be fun. I NEED some fun again. So how are you all? I’ll do a big catch up with you tomorrow.
Posted in Crafts by House Elf with 7 comments.