Journeys, Makings

While on our break I saw all sorts of interesting vehicles.
But these 2 made me smile for their individuality.
This is unfinished- the lady is going to add elves and things. 
Anyway it got me thinking about the different ways we have of getting somewhere
and the different journeys we go through life
taking in as much beauty and pleasure as we can.
Then there are the special people we meet along the way,
 who travel with us for just a short time,
 or stay with us for years on the same journey.
What journey either physical or mental do you want to have done by this time next year?
For me I want to be settled in a new area, and mentally I want to have the courage to go public with some of the other stuff I create.
So enough navel gazing -here’s the aran finished at long last. It is a Debbie Bliss pattern.
It wasn’t constructed  in the normal way but the skirt part was done separately from the bottom up.
The body was done as part of the sleeve starting at the cuff.
You then sew the skirt to the sleeve/body sections, then continue the button bands up the front.
Sleeve detail.
The centre back cables are continued up to the collar area too.
Lastly the collar is knitted. It wasn’t always easy to follow the pattern. I had to draw out line numbers at one stage to make sure I was doing the right thing. Also it should’ve told me to cast off the centre front edges after finishing the section. I had them on stitch holders right up until I had to sew the button bands on. 
I think Stephanie’s sewing patterns spoil me- she has a lot of testers who iron those sort of details out.  Anyone else had problms with a Debbie Bliss pattern?
 The Simplicity mat got bound.
Today was Father’s Day, so this morning I made some bunting for Lovely Husband. There are dark blues just out of shot on the right- you can take a peek at them in the mirror. I loved playing with colour again!

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