Redcurrants, Guests, Needlebooks
450g /1lb redcurrants just picked in the garden ready for a red currant sauce. I used this recipe.
We had guests until Sunday evening so there has been a lot of this in between their visits to universities in this area. Good food + good friends = lots of laughter.
On their last day we relaxed by walking round the little lake at Ainsdale.
Convolvulus or bind weed as it uses other plants to climb up and hog the sunshine.
Isis pseudocorus or flag iris
So elegant.
Baby coots! Both parents are just out of shot but keeping an eye on the youngsters.
Solanum dulcamara or bittersweet. My Grandmother said this was called Nightshade so of course for years I thought it was Deadly Nightshade (Belladonna). Having just read the article I have now found out that it is Woody Nightshade. Well you learn something every day! I knew I wasn’t allowed to eat the red berries and that bit did stick in my head.
Back to the little lake.
These were a variety of orchid growing in the Natterjack Toad habitat between the sand dunes and the lake.
I think they are the same sort although one is more pinky than the other.
We follow a trail over the sand dunes to the beach. Lots of people are here for the day and picnic in the dunes.
We walk out collecting shells for our guests to take back to landlocked Oxfordshire and 2 little girls who are hoping for them.
Now I am finally back up to date with my photos on here. The little needle books above are made with the offcuts from Thimbleberries BOM Village Green Block 4. The class gave me their off cuts so I made them each a mini needlebook to go with the mini pincushions I made them last time. Tomorrow is Block 5 so I am only just in time making them.
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