Grab a cuppa I’m nearly back on form.

Just look at what came in the post this morning! A beautifully made apron from Ulla in Finland. Such attention to detail- just look at how the pockets line up and the tops are bias cut!
It was once part of her Grandmother’s Summer dress which her mother began to alter to aprons and Ulla finished. 🙂 It is a real priviledge to have a little of Ulla’s family history right here with me. Some of you are followers of the fabulous vintage things she shares on Thursdays so will know that there is usually a tale behind the items that have stayed in her family for generations.
Thank you Ulla- beautiful Spring art card, chilli chocolate too (not in pic).
But just look at these beautiful stamps! I have got to show daughter these when she comes home. She’ll love the shoes! Does anyone collect stamps?
Now here’s a little vintage from my wool cabinet. It is rare to find 3 ply these days and this once full ball was made by John C. Horsfall and Sons LTD, Spinners, Hayfield Mills Glusburn Keighley Yorkshire. I found this link of one of their 1958 patterns. The yarn is mothproof and I’m guessing from the 1950s.

Did you know that nylon was invented in 1935 but went into production in 1940? No neither did I. 🙂 I can’t find a link to their current factory so I am guessing that the business folded when a lot of English manufacturers went under. A little bit of textile history in a tiny blue ball.
Anyway it valiantly came to my rescue this tiny 1oz (28.35g) ball which had been overlooked for so many years, and finished the socks I was working on. I swear the first pair of socks barely dented the pink yarn ball so I thought I’d have enough to finish these shorter ones but it wasn’t to be. The ball end obviously entered some sort of parallel dimension where it’s very unravelling led to it becoming shorter. … well that is my story and I’m sticking to it! They are very comfy and brill for trainers. The 1st pair were longer so great with walking boots.
Well as my body decided to not co-operate with my plans for world dominion I had to sit still and sew and knit by the fire with lots of hankys. Above is a sneak peek of what will be revealed on the 9th of Feb.
This is the sort of mess this particular quilt is creating.
I went in the craft room today and it felt like the tower in the fairy tale where the girl is told to spin the straw into gold. Fabric for the 4 BOMs I’m making is everywhere.
Slowly bits are coming together- a pile of pinwheels and stars in piles waiting to be sewn together.
And 300 ish squares to go into the design. I’ll share the 1st block on the 2nd Feb.
Over here is the pile for Christmas Story. I’ve bonded the appliques for the 2nd block for that now.
Then downstairs I have my little corner where I’ve been hand sewing while I’ve been ill.
Do you remember me showing you this?
Well lookie what came in the post from Deb in New Zealand I think a jungle companion wallhanging to go with the ocean one also by Laurel Burch will be fab! Love those bright colours.
And did you know that Laurel Burch did socks! These were on my feet before I could photograph them. (I have no willpower.) So I have had to wait until they had gone through the wash. 3 hounds a bit like my 3 hounds.
As if that wasn’t enough- magazines, patterns, coffee and a card. You want to see the coffee and the card don’t you?
Yes gorgeous Screaming Turtle coffee! She’s sent me a new blend this time- Charge
Here’s the info on the packet:
The day has arrived. You face your opposition. You are prepared. You are ready. All that remains is to scream …CHARGE!!!! A powerful dark roasted blend to strengthen you in battle.

I so like coffee- it keeps me going and apparently helps dry up a cold. Heh heh coffee for medicinal purposes I like that idea.
Now you’ve got to see the card which came with it. Love it- it’s up on the craft room wall now.

Thank you so much Deb. I felt thoroughly spoiled.
Here is a little something I made for Anne Marie in Norway in the beginning of January. I made 2 sample blocks for Simone’s charity quilt in my own fabrics before attempting to use her ones. So I then thought what should I do with them. The answer was clear- make 2 more for a little table topper or picnic mat for her birthday.
Straight line quilting- view of the back.
I called it “Sewing in the Orchard” as the colours are like cherry blossoms in Spring and the centres of the blocks are of thimbles, a sewing machine
a little girl with a sewing box
And cherries. You can see the pink fabric has fruits on it too. I am so glad it finally arrived. It was posted by the 6th but only arrived on the 23rd. I was so relieved though. I wanted Anne Marie to have a little foretaste of Spring as she is having snow still.

I’m at the sneezing stage now but have energy again so hopefully I’ll have more to share next time. Talking of time- time for a coffee from Deb and some of that chilli chocolate bar which Ulla kindly sent with the wonderful apron. It’s like having a coffee break with dear friends. 🙂

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