Wips Hay Making

This is the last of the centre blocks for Lynette Anderson’s Christmas BOM. There will be a tree in the pot but it goes over the other blocks so it’s not been added yet. Must get on and sew this.
Side of the Angel in the Garden bag. It will be embroidered later.
Progress so far on the front of the bag. This is my 2nd ever needleturned project. I am slow.

I have a lot of WiPs at the moment because I’ve been busy on the house- yesterday I repainted the kitchen walls and just now I finished the dining room walls. 🙂 I’ll leave the woodwork for tomorrow. I took little breaks in the afternoon and added a couple of photos at a time, so I could write the words now.

Thank you Annie Coe of Blissful Bohemian for giving me this wonderful award:

I am to tell you 7 awesome things about myself to earn this queen award.

1. I’m always willing to have a go at something even if I make a prat of myself.
2. I love dogs especially greyhounds who are the sweetest gentlest loyal dogs ever.
3. My curiosity is insatiable.
4. I try to be kind “If you can’t say anything nice then don’t say anything at all.”
5. I am learning that “no” can be a good word and doesn’t make me a bad person just a realistic one.
6. I love colour and colour combinations and seeing how things will look.
7. I am very good at starting things but need to discipline myself to finish them, so I try not to take on too many craft things at once.

I am to name 7 bloggers to receive this award, but if you are a regular reader here then please take it. I know a lot of people are busy beginning their Summer hols, so take it if you can.

Back to the Lake District again:

Sheep yet to be sheared staying in the shade.
The farmer was busy cutting and turning the hay while the weather held off.
The smell was gorgeous.
Cattle in a field by the lake.
Sheep just resting.
We however weren’t. We were off to Torver Commons south of the campsite.
We walked here initially, then another day I let the girls go by boat while I walked along the shore. There’s only a couple of short stretches where I was the other side of some trees, so I thought it was safe and allowed the girls to have a little adventure.
The wind was also helping them and not blowing them into the middle of the lake.

It’s a very pretty place.
When we walked here, the girls brought their foam swords (every pirate should have one) and had mock battle and sailor style dancing.
I had a little explore. This was the view on one side
of this little path. I kept well in.
I stitched several pics together to get this panorama of the lake.
These 2 fit to the right of the above 8.
You could see the bad weather heading in from the north.
Boats including the gorgeous “Gondala”. More on her in the next post.
Another cute boat house.
But it started to rain.
So we ran to the tents.
A last look back towards Torver Commons. The hump in the field is an old ironworking site. Further up in the mountains are coppermines. The lake would’ve been a good way of transporting the metals.
Wagtail on my tent.
Big marshmallows in hot chocolate. Ideal after getting caught in the rain.
“Red sky at night, shepherd’s delight”

Last of the Lakes posts next time. Maybe I’ll even have something finished other than decorating! 🙂

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