Welcome to my new blog. Well done for finding it. 🙂 Blogger wouldn’t allow me to upload any more photos onto my old one, so this will be my new home. If you want to follow, there should be a thingy for it on the left if I have got it right. I’ve tried to keep things familiar.
You should feel more at home soon. As I get it like my old one which I vaguely understood when I was feeling clever. I didn’t get any warning that I was close to my quota so it was a shock when Blogger refused to upload any more mid post on my old site. Is it ok to feel a little hurt and betrayed? 🙂
The following are what I began on Friday but had to leave Patched Pumpkin early as Lovely Husband was under siege. As you can see I’m not a painter.
The felt panel is stitched but not sewn onto the cushion. I think the pics will enlarge when you click on them so you can see the pineapple detail.
This penny rug though is all finished and backed.
This pineapple is sewn but instead of being a band for a glass jar candle, I will think of something else for it.
I had to laugh as Thursday night’s are known as Pineapple Night in this house as once when hubby was with his Thursday quiz team we got the camera and did all sorts of dances including the pineapple dance, and left them for him to see as if we had had a party. Well he did say jokingly as he left “Don’t throw any wild parties.” He’s not said it since. LOL
Santa’s sleigh needs stitching- this is BOM 5 of a Christmas quilt by Lynette Anderson. This block goes along the bottom. Just one more to make before I can sew them all together and make the borders.
This newborn sized aran still needs sewing up. Below is the hood.
Ready for a trip out?
Now we are off to Liverpool for this art exhibition. I did have a bit of a wander around afterward, so this is going to be the 1st of 4 posts on Liverpool. This was the email from the Gallery:
This rich, vibrant exhibition explores the significance of colour in contemporary art. Colour Chart: Reinventing Colour, 1950 to Today looks at the moment in twentieth-century art when a group of artists began to perceive colour as ‘readymade’ rather than scientific or expressive. See works by more than forty artists, including Andy Warhol, Gerhard Richter, Frank Stella, Yves Klein, Damien Hirst, David Batchelor, Jim Lambie, Angela Bulloch and Cory Archangel.
We’ll go by train. Most of the stations are still the Victorian ones.
On such a lovely day the golfing links looks so crowded.
This looked like a loft conversion on top of a loft conversion on this house.
A glimpse of the docks.
One of the many wind turbines in the River Mersey
This gigantic building was for tobacco storage.
Here’s a closer look. Sorry it’s taken from the train so a bit blurry.
We then take the underground to the right part of Liverpool.
Statue of the comedian Ken Dodd greeting the statue below at Lime Street Station Liverpool.
The rest of the photos here are taken of the recently completed shopping development called “Liverpool One”
Unusual shapes which reminded me of the prows of huge boats.
The day was so warm we saw people dipping their feet in the pool.
Next time Tate Liverpool and the Albert Docks. Thank you for joining me here. I’ll try and get you all added to my “Blogs I stalk” side thingy as soon as possible.