Easter Sunday Walk, Crow Wreath, Wips
There was a bit too much of this going on on Easter Sunday
So we parked at a newly finished marina in Scarisbrick (Scar’s brekka- Old Norse place name a chap called Scar’s slope or hill)
There’s a wood nearby just waking up after Winter.
The wings of Winter and the bud of Spring.
A bluebell was out, but it’s still too early to see a whole carpet of them changing the whole character of a beech wood.
The young growth was rivaling Autumn in it’s splendour.
These beech leaves were still sticky with newness.
Even this boggy pond was transformed by the sunshine.
Wonderful birdsong
I kept seeing butterfly shapes in the sycamore leaves.
It felt like the wood was celebrating.
Can you see a hummingbird in the tree stump?
The bracken was almost unfurling before my eyes.
Not quite Monet’s bridge over a lily pond but what a graceful shape.
Scarisbrick Hall designed by the same person who designed the Houses of Parliament in London.
The hounds were happy and smiled a lot.
We nicknamed this wood the garlic wood because of this plant.
It’s not in flower yet (white) but the foliage smells so I kept thinking of lasagne and garlic bread.
Lesser celendine
The sheep will need shearing soon. Then even matronly sheep will initially skip like lambs glad to have the heat and weight off their backs.
This daisy pic was a sheer fluke getting the sun and cloud reflection on the surface of the canal water.
The textures and colours were amazing.
A crown or a lily?
Daughter wore her strawberry dress (with petticoats under) for Sunday dinner. I can’t remember if I’ve shown it before- one I made earlier.
It looks dotty but as you can see it and the broiderie anglais have tiny strawberries on.
Easter Sunday dinner was a bit special. Lobster and Black Forest Gateau.
After the children opened their presents from Suzie of little busy bee.
The chickens were so sweet- they loved them. Thank you Suzie.
A Cup Cake Quilter gave me this pattern for my birthday so it will grace the craft room door. Crows and pumpkins wreath.
Now for Wips above is for a May 1st class I actually marked out 1 1/2″ squares and quilted a plain green to the back of the pink fabric with a layer of warm and natural in between. The strip of green around the edge will be the binding but that is for sewing on in class.
This is a new pattern for me cutting the dark shapes from a square quartered to make the flying geese. I re-tried and re-tried but I still couldn’t add the triangles to give them points on both sides. So this is my best effort so far. The way I learned flying geese involved squares and rectanges and sewing on the diagonal. It is easier for me to to this exactly than this new way. Does anyone have any tips for a newbie?
I hope you all had a happy Easter. Next time I will share yesterday’s 9 mile 12 km walk in a place we had never been.
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