Be Att quilt, Folk Bag

I’ve been shopping with daughter for prom shoes. There are definately some weird shops out there who insist you make an appointment and then lock you in! Best avoided. Luckily I joined daughter after her experience of that and we found her some shoes in cream and a matching cream satin bag to match so I am off the hook bag making. “Prom” is now officially off my to do List. Yeah!

I loved these huge cup shaped planters- daughter loves strawberry everything so that one would be hers and mine would be the rainbow dots. Well you know me and bright colours. 🙂
I had a mini celebration with a cherry bakewell tart and a coffee. Cup and napkin were both gifts from fellow Cup Cake Quilters.
As the sun is shining I have also had my sleves rolled up on walks. Willow in the above pic.
The wasteland has new paths going across it so more people can enjoy it.
3 of these Peacock butterflies (my fav) rolly-polled in the sky above my head. As soon as one landed I ran to it. I clipped this pic as I was far away at the time.
I was closer for this shot. Beautiful colours.
The hawthorn blossom was out and it’s not even May- this is traditionally called “The May”.
I haven’t just been out though- I finished this bag that I showed you the panels of last month. It was a 2 part class the 2nd was on Saturday.
My 1st try at needleturning.
As it is such a small bag I didn’t add pockets just used this cream and white crow fabric which I had used as background pieces on the front.
This is finally up on the wall today- the Be Attitudes Quilt by Nancy Halvorsen. I lightly quilted it yesterday and did the binding today. I showed you each panel in detail before so I wont repeat myself.
It is made mainly from “Cider Mills” range of fabrics as are the cushions which are from the “Cider Mills” Book both by Nancy Halvorsen. The Polka Dot Ladies Quilt in “At Waters Edge” is on the other wall now.

So slowly I am beginning to see my drawing table again where all these projects have been heaped up patiently. I did make a little something else but it has gone as an April RAK- Random Act of Kindness.

So that is all my makings for the moment. I have begun an 18ct Aida cross stitch kit I bought years ago, but there isn’t enough to show you yet.

I hope you are all having a lovely Spring week. My children are having their Easter holidays but it is the last hols before GCSE exams for my dughter so she has been going into school for special revision sessions. How is your week?

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