Bits and Southport 1 of 2
This is a watercolour and gouache painting by Rima Staines. He’s flying down from Scotland. She is a brilliant artist who sells prints on Etsy. Check out her stuff- it has such whimsey and detail. if you like Arthur Rackham, you’ll probably like her. I said I was hoping to make the legend of the Rainbow Crow in fabrics one day, so she has a whisp of smoke in the background. Here‘s where you can read the story it’s wonderful. She’s caught Crow’s attitude very well.
This little lot went off to Ulla- couldn’t post it before it arrived. Sorry smudge on lens. The mushroom fabric for the bookmark came all the way from Japan -it’s so sweet. Ulla and I talk funghi a lot and she loves books. I found an old dyeing one that I just know she was meant to have as the magazine under it had mushroom patterns on too. Some things are just meant to be. 🙂
Close up of needlecase made from the scraps left over from the 6 apples I posted earlier. Now that really really is the end of that layer cake. It’s made the Polka Dot Ladies BOM quilt, 10 apple coasters, this needlecase, 2 cushion covers and quite possibly something else which escapes my mind. You can tell I need this blog to try to keep track of my makings.
Ready for a 2 part trip around Southport? It’s a Victorian town on the West Coast of England North of Wales. It wasn’t raining so I wet snap happy with the camera.
The Viceroy Building- guess which room I want for my bedroom? It’s my fav building on the corner of Wesley Street. It’s named that after the Wesleyan Chapel which once stood nearby.
Flower shop on the main road Lord Street
Love these tin tubs the plants were in.
Cabbage and roses on the left! Love love love!
The Scarisbrick Hotel. The little tower on the top leads to the flag pole.
Library, Atklinson Art Gallery, town clock tower Lord Street.
Memorial Gardens
Fountain outside Sainsburys supermarket.
Detail of the cast iron supporting the Victorian flass covered walkway in front of most shops on Lord Street.
Love the detail with Corinthian inspired capitals on the poles outside Broadbent and Boothroyd’s Department Store.
Inside the Wayfarer’s Arcade. It’s a grade 2 listed place so not even Bootle (ex-docker area) based Sefton Council can knock it down in theory. They have succeeded in destroying listed buildings like an old marble fronted cinema and putting up a modern monstrosity in it’s place. It makes me cross that some places like York value their history so people come to see it and here they don’t. This is why I’ve taken a lot of shots before things are changed.
I’ve tried to find Lucy M. Boston‘s (1892-1990) birthplace here for her daughter in law based on details in her biography, but nothing remains. Her grandfather was mayor here, but his house and the church built at the bottom of the garden was knocked down and the current Southport College is on the land. Only a gate post from the church remains. So sad. She was a very keen patchworker and a lot of her quilts can still be seen at her house in Hemmingford Grey in Cambridgeshire. It features in her Green Knowe books as does descriptions of the old patchwork quilts she bought for it to use as curtains. You can still see them.
Ok back to the Wayfarers Arcade. It has 2 storeys covered in a glass and iron ceiling.
original Victorian tiling.
Stained leaded glass and original railing.
Upper and lower storeys of shops.
Detail of glass.
The stairs
Statue of Red Rum the most famous horse in England. He won the Grand National race (run in Aintree near Liverpool) 3 times and back then the jumps were seriously awful. So many horses were shot trying to run it and got injured. He used to train on Southport beach hence the statue in Southport.
The ironwork outside Wayfarers Arcade.
One of the churches on Lord Street
The Jaeger shop. Can you see the beautiful lady carved in the circle at the top?
Next post will have a little of the pier and the HSBC Bank building as well as whatever I make in the meantime. Have a great weekend.
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