Birds and plants

The camera shy dining room curtains. I think this fabric was originally destined to be Hawaiian shirts. LOL I love it and the bright colours.
Guess what I finally finished yesterday!

I hand basted all round then caught the fleece to the cotton in tailor tacks at the joins in the middle then gave it a wide edging. There was a reason for this – it was cheaper to buy a 200×140 cm ready edged fleece than to buy 2m off the roll, so when it came to putting the 2 together, the rounded corners on the fleece didn’t marry up to the right angles of the quilt. I know I should’ve thought about it. 🙂 But anyway that’s it my first ever own design of quilt! It should be a pair to the one I made from a pattern by Meme.

The edging- I did a second row of stitching and liked the effect. I’m not much of a quilter, but I love doing the patchwork part.
I hung the quilt on the line to help those tiny annoying threads to drop off. Of course I used one of my birthday presents- Crowspegs from Sabretoothfairy on Etsy. The birds looked good flapping in the breeze.

Image borrowed from her in Perth Australia to show them close up.

Violas under a little tree.
I finished the rose arch bed!
I found these primroses when I was weeding at the back of a bed.
The rhubarb crop is taking over the path! The bright yellowy leaves are a Philadelphus (Mock Orange).

I think I made a mistake with the Chinese Lantern. It looks like the honesty I also seeded there. The master plan was to have the 2 to bring in to the house in Autumn for a dried arrangement. My Nana had them in her house, so fond memories.
Getting ready for some new arrivals.

The council have until May 12th to decide whether or not to grant planning permission to this builder who wants to turn the house at the bottom of our garden into flats. I have told them that he is carrying on as if permission has been granted and has ripped out stone walls inside and had diggers in the front and back gardens. It is very stressful and noisy. I don’t want our garden overlooked by flats. His arrogance is astounding.

Right off to get dressed and get on with housework and some sewing and knitting in the afternoon. I’ve got all sorts on the go at the moment now the quilt is finished. What are you all up to?

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