Flowers and Quilt.

I went to the garden centre and bought a lot of these violas. Those have got to be my fav. shades of purple!
Sorry not a great pic but it shows I did get them planted quick under the rose arches. Can you see where I ran out?
Me working on the “Joyeous Wish” quilt in the sunshine. While I was here the only crow I have seen in town flew over. It felt special. The only common birds here are seagulls. I think they keep a lot of other birds away. I suppose also as the soil is so light (you hit sand if you go down a yard) it is sparce on the creepy crawlies crows eat.
The finished quilt prior to backing.
Little embroidered stars on the black and stab stitch edging on the floral.
The tree hearts and heart shrubs had cross stitches on. The tree outline was in stab stitch.
Bit more of Spring in the garden: primrose and viburnum. Even the daphne is in flower and smells wonderful.
Cerinthe- grown from seed and will self seed. So unususal looking and lovely purple!
I grew these Chinese Lanterns (Physalis) from seed a couple of years ago. I think I’m actually going to get lanterns to decorate the house with in Autumn this year!

Inside the house the amaryllis is flowering 3 flowers in all. It looks beautiful.

All is not totally peaceful in the garden. Today is the day when planning permission is either granted or refused on turning the house at the bottom of the garden into flats. The council asked us for our opinion and we said that we wouldn’t want it. We don’t want people to be able to constantly look into our garden, or put cars and their fumes near it. Already the builder has removed internal walls (possibly load bearing) and blocked windows, torn down loads of trees, put in all sorts of piping, so he is obviously confident that he will get the permission he needs to make it all legal. I’m worried. The flats will be one or possibly 2 bedrooms so hardly family orientated, so it could change the whole character of our little area.

I’m making the buckets with the prepared santa embroidery today at Patched Pumpkin. Hopefully it will take my mind off the builder.

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