Boxes Little Boxes
It’s been a bit busy here so I’ve not updated since Sunday! We’ve had the left over emulsions out and mixed in some acrylic art paints and created ….pretty boxes. I had a nightmare finishing the water damaged ceiling as the more I painted the more paper came away from the ceiling. In the end I took all the stuff off and found that it had been repaired before on top of 30 years of papers! How someone deliberately put up dark blue chrysantheums on navy blue paper for the ceiling I’ll never know. Anyway the ceiling is finally done! I also painted the hallway ceiling which had been damaged by a roofer going in the loft and putting his foot through. He did repair the damage but rather than him coming back to paint it and causing possibly more damage, I got it done myself.
By this time I had got the painting bug. The children decided to swap rooms and daughter wanted more blue and less green in her new room. Rather aptly I found myself painting over the green fields at the bottom of the walls. Rather like all the fields being flooded back in my home area- Cotswolds. My family and friends are all ok thankfully.
You can just about see the jousting field and tents partly flooded in this picture and a bit of the castle. Even the village on another wall and the woods have this effect. I must admit the room feels more spacious. This leaves the problem of do the medieval Ikea drawers belong in the medieval room or go with my son into his new room (daughter’s old at present floral one)?
These were one perfectly normal boxes:
Now they are a sewing box and a box to put odd bits of what I as a parent think of as junk but are to her “treasures that’ll be useful one day”. Son did an apple white big box but didn’t want to decorate it. Thankfully we had a dry afternoon so the boxes could be put outside to dry.
My little box of fire got finished too with some of my daughter’s tiny yellow plastic beads.
I made these shelves from left over “Heritage” sampler pots Roman white and Bath stone beige. The flowers on the ends are Laura Ashley’s Sherbourne border paper left overs. Hopefully I will be tidier from now on. Well I can dream.
Last night about 10pm husband put a boring programme on TV. As I had an ideas list longer than my memory (I keep them in a book these days) I made these in an hour. There is another shape cut out but not sewed. The lower one is awaiting handles and a lining. The fabric is all from the Fabric Warehouse off cuts bin, so was seriously cheap. As soon as I saw them I wanted to make cloth bags to use when out shopping instead of taking a plastic carrier bag from the shop. One minute step in trying to save the environment.
I heard on the radio that in Ireland they were calling the plastic carrier bags trapped in trees “Witches Knickers” well it made me chortle and snort my coffee.
Today I haven’t done a thing apart from fumigate the kitchen from all the paint splodges from badly cleaned brushes. How paint got over the windows and cupboard doors I’;ll never know. My hands now feel funny from the cleaner. I knew I should stick to crafts. LOL
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