Life keeps getting in the way!
News here: son is painting the outside of the house this Summer. He has got into the university he most wanted. I didn’t think he would make it especially as on results day (Thursday) there was nothing in his online uni application with UCAS. I spent 9-3pm chasing it with numerous calls to his college, the exam board and the uni itself until we got the results, could email the uni, and let them discuss his application. They then accepted him. Flop bot with relief!
I am getting heartily fed up of wordpress. A friend said I was coming up as a no reply blogger and I hadn’t altered a thing! I mean look at how it has loaded my pic from the i pad! Ridiculous! It shows how i am currently storing my cheap acrylic yarn in the old cupboards from the laundry room.
It also hasn’t loaded my pics in order! This is the finished 1-2 year jumper for the One Day box.
I raided the scrap hamper for 2″ squares in the same colours as the embroidery threads used in Quilting Mouse BOM.
3 ply african violet crochet in bamboo yarn. I have 7 so far and hope to make a baby blanket for the One Day box.
The car has new rims. The state of the roads left the old ones so dented we had to keep pumping the tyres full of air.
Squeak had a dental. 2 weeks later a lump came up below her eye near where she had had an extraction. Daughter took her to the vets yesterday (Friday) after passing her driving test! So so pleased for her as it will give her a whole new lease of life. The lump is air! Squeak is now on rheumacam and had an antibiotic anti inflammatory injection. If it hasn’t gone by Monday then Squeak is back at the vets.
I bought a new purse in a sale as it went with my half price i pad case. Daughter can now have her old purse back.
I love the bright cheerfulness!
A friend chose a dog from Jodie’s Cyprus Dog Rehoming. So I made a 5cm collar and 3.8cm wide lead.
40 tissue holders to Jodie Cyprus Dog Rehoming as the friend was going down to Shrewsbury to pick her dog up and offered to take things down for me.
So I finished a little red dog coat.
12 lilac strong 2m long leads 19mm wide.
6 purple 2m long leads 19mm wide.
3 short leads 19mm wide made from roll ends.
4 very long leads 25mm wide.
And finally a dark green small dog coat.
Home wise there is a new addition to the laundry room.
I restored a 2nd hand Victorian airer, so we now have 2 and hopefully no more radiator drying over Winter.
I also made some spice cookies from the first cook book the children ever had. They have been a firm favourite since they were little.
Wow what a year of change it has been. I have a degree, daughter can drive, husband has a job, son is off to uni! I am so sorry it has come at cost to this neglected blog.
Please bear with me, I am slowly catching up with you all.
Posted in Crafts, Uncategorized by House Elf with 8 comments.