Wet week/sunny weekend +CO "new" finish
There was a folk music festival in Hesketh Park.
The day was very wet.
Bluebells are starting to come out.
And forget-me-nots.
Over-all though the colours were bland with dabs of colour.
Bungle decided to share a nose with a squirrel sculpture.
Rhodedendron in bud.
Magnolia in flower.
We gave the hounds a little walk but they made it clear that they weren’t impressed with the weather.
That is one of the problems wit greyhounds- they don’t want to be out walking in rain, snow, sleet, hail, strong winds etc.
So we cut the walk short going up and over the Observatory hill.
Then the weather changed and we had a few days of Spring.
Trumpton the Pigeon has adopted us for twice a day. Love his pink and green chest and neck.
I think he is much more handsome than the ones we see in town.
He has kept us amused with his antics on the bird feeders in the cherry tree.
This shot is of his trying to hang upside down to get at the feeder with nuts in.
He wasn’t very dignified. 🙂
I gave him some of my brick like bread from the breadmaker machine.
Thankfully he liked it so there is no evidence of my epic failure.
Craft wise the balls of Harlequin Chunky “Flame Forest” I ordered to finish this jumper arrived.
I had over ordered so I began this which said 200g. I had 250g but it still wasn’t enough. I ordered another ball to finish this tiny jumper.
With that I was able to finish the tiny jumper and make a matching 2×2 rib hat.
The yarn was lovely to knit with but where 2 strands of colour were intertwined, you couldn’t get the same colours as a repeat to match arms or body. It was a nice effect though.
Now for a Craft Olympic New finish. This scarf is made from the Merino wool Araucania yarn from Chile which Ulla gave me for my birthday.
I haven’t knitted in a drop stitch pattern like this before so it is a “new to me” design.
Thank you Sylvia for hosting the Craft Olympics.
In the garden the flowering cherry tree started looking gorgeous.
We bought some new fence panels for the front garden
and painted them forget-me-not blue.
I think it looks good against the green.
Next time we have a long Winter, at least I will have a bit of bright blue outside.
Not all the weeding is done yet but the back garden is starting to look better.
Purple flowers of Chinese Lanterns (Physalis), Yellow of Forsythia flowers and Philadelphus aureus, Blue of bluebells under the Pink flowering cherry tree.
Now it is raining again and the wind is jostling the trees.
Posted in Craft Olympics by House Elf with 9 comments.