Plants and Owls

“The Favourite Feature: The Pool
Of all the features which can be introduced into the garden, the ornamental pool is undoubtedly the favourite. The design depicted here is particularly attractive.”

We are now heading over thickly misted fells on single track roads to get to our next destination.
As we get over the fells to the other side, the weather is a lot clearer- it’s as if the clouds get stuck on the hill tops.
In a lovely garden
Very pretty teasel
Pastel hydrangea

Baby Eagle owl sitting like a garden ornament
Look carefully and see if you can identify any of these owls

Photos are by hubby as my camera wasn’t happy by this point

Spectacled owl?

Oh what an expression!

I think he was keeping an eye on hubby. LOL
Ooo I know this one- a kestral preening
Aha- a barn owl. I’m on a roll!
Errr maybe not. 🙂
Now we go on down the lane . This is just one of the views from Muncaster Castle. Next time the castle itself.Sorry no crafting I can show this post. All top secret birthday things. You know who you are!

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