Rufford Old Hall 1 of 2 stool, socks
“I can’t Believe it’s Not Cotton” yarn from the charity shop each made a pair of socks for the children for Christmas. I’ve been sat in a corner sneezing and dripping (I know TMI) feeling like Madame Defarge from a “Tale of 2 Cities” and only slightly less vengeful at having so little energy. LOL thank you all for your good wishes. Computer is re-built too so forgive the delay in replying to emails.
Would you believe it’s snowed in London alrady and we’re not even November. Told you the Rowan berries predicted a hard Winter in England. At least my not so little ones will have warm toes. Pattern is one I adapted from a 1930s boy’s knee high one.
Remember the kit for £3 from the charity shop? I finally had enough energy yesterday for it. It’s my first attempt at this sort of thing and boy did my hands ache afterwards! The underside is woven in the same way as the top. I think this is what I was meant to do but as the instructions were missing, I did my best. I have this seagrass left over though- about half the original amount. Anyone want it?
I was humming this tune going round Rufford Old Hall. Link has history. Pics are roughly in order of my wander round.
Autumn colours and topiary at the front.
Past this more “modern” front 1661 and 1820s castellated bit on the left.
Topiary with sodden soil.
1661 meets 1520 what a difference in style!
The Great Hall of Rufford Old Hall. Given to the National Trust in 1936. The Hesketh family live in Rufford New Hall 1700s building the other side of the road going through the village of Rufford, Lancashire. In the 1800s they seemed to be in the habit of marrying American heiresses according to what I read.
Shakespeare was in service to one of the Lord Heskeths so he probably played in this actual hall. Now wouldn’t that have been an experience to treasure. 🙂
How light got in to the centre of the hall. When I saw this I wondered if it was the original hole in the roof for a centrally positioned hearth.
I would sit and sew here in the north facing light so fabrics wouldn’t fade.
Looking back to the West front garden.
Round to the gable end.
There was a lot of real armour on display inside- not the fancy repro ornamental stuff but things which obviously saw action.
I wonder if there were once more buildings in this area. 2 doors to the same area seems a little odd.
Metal stud work on the door. On the inside this door did have quite a draught. I can see why hanging tapestries was a good idea.
Round the side facing the main gardens. Huge huge chimney! Inside it had a metal plate with the Hesketh coat of arms inside the fireplace to protect the back stones from the fire and reflect the heat into the Hall. The whole frame is wooden pegged together not nailed like a modern timber frame would be.
I so wanted to take a photo for you of the inside of this but no cameras were allowed. It was a mix of old and new glass in bright rainbow ish colours. As soon as I find the guide book I’ll see if I can put in some inside pics to give you an idea of the rooms. The great hall is stunning with an elaborate and unusual carved screen with a spiral chimney kind of effect at the top. It can be moved if you’ve big enough muscles.
Squirrel topiaries one either side of the path.
I admire topiary because it takes someone with a vision to start it and then patience to keep it up.
The back lawn. Wouldn’t you just love to come out of that door with your morning cuppa and watch the birds?
Now the 1820s East side through a wisteria covered doorway.
To the courtyard.
Upstairs in this part of the house was a corridor with lots of Victorian and older samplers. The one which impressed me most was by an 8 year old girl on such fine fabric with a complicated border. I know I couldn’t do it. The 16 count Aida I’m working on is at my limit.
The Hesketh family symbol on cast iron guttering made in 1891.
The old wells were covered over.
Water pump
Boston ivy in beautiful colours
The trough above was carved out of one piece of stone. It was huge and must’ve taken ages by hand!
You could buy plants grown on the site as well as food and a gift shop.
Espellier fruit tree on the outbuildings.
One of the old pigsties had woven pigs in for decoration.
Last look at the cobbled courtyard. Sties are to the left.
An old cart remains and a weathered grass roller were in the corner nearest the canal.
Under these birds to the back garden again.
Canal is to the East of the garden.
Now we can have a wander and enjoy Autumn.
Glimpses of the Old Hall
Pic by hubby me in the swing coat again- this time in black wool.
Interesting funghi
The beech trees were glorious!
Part 2 next time- more wandering around the garden and if I can, some inside pics from the guide book. I know that for some of you coming here in person is impossible, so I do what I can to share the experience. It is a beautiful place.
Have a great weekend.
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