Mother’s Day

Ginger Biscuits
225g/8oz sugar
125g/4oz golden syrup
125g/4oz butter
325g/12oz self raising flour
2 teaspoons ginger
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
1 egg

Microwave the butter until soft
Mix everything together (can use hands) to form dough
Roll into walnut sized balls in your hands
Place on buttered baking tray
Gas4/350F/180C for 20 mins

This was voted the best ginger biccy recipe in our house so far. The cookies are firm enough to hold together but melt in your mouth and have just enough “squish” to them.

Muddy boots!

Sunday was Mother’s day here in the UK. I finished “The White Robin” by Miss Read in the morning. Such luxury reading in the bath with a hot coffee to keep me company.

We went to Ashurst Beacon with a picnic in the afternoon. It was still a bit windy as you can hear on the short videos.
Precious is in black, Pawsha in blue, and Angel in red.
Tranquil pool
Dogs on a rock by the ruins of a windmill. It was certainly sited correctly as it was breezy up there.

The long silk tunic (had leggings on with my boots) is New Look 6229. link in case you like the pattern. I made a double sided rectangle from the remaining cloth (charity shop bargain!) which doubles as a shawl or hair tie/scarf. It’s tucked inside the coat tied round my plait so not in the pic.

Hope you all had a good weekend too. Got to wash all our muddy things now and plan Easter craftings.

Ooo will add this link about British parenting. I found the results of the poll pretty shocking about what some parents were allowing their children to do at a young age. Am I odd? What would your answers be?

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